תקשורת ורשתות 
המונחים - באות I מציג 1-50 מתוך 52 מונחים
IDI [Initial Domain Identifier] Internet Architecture Board [IAB]
IDP [Initial Domain Part] Internet Control Message Protocol [ICMP]
IDPR Internet Engineering Task Force [IETF]
IDRP Internet Group Multicast Protocol [IGMP]
IEEE 802.11 HR Internet Group Multicast Protocol Snooping [IGMP Snooping]
IEEE 802.11b Internet Protocol [IP]
ILMI [Interim Local Management Interface] Internet Protocol Multicasting [IP Multicasting]
IMA [Inverse Multiplexing over ATM] Internet Protocol Security [IP Security]
Impedance Internet Protocol Spoofing [IP Spoofing]
In band signaling Internet Protocol Switching [IP Switching]
Industry Standard Architecture [ISA] Internet Protocol Telephony [IP Telephony]
Information Systems [IS] Internet Research Task Force [IRTF]
Information Technologies [IT] Internet Security Scanner [ISS]
Ingress Internet Service Provider [ISP]
Input Packet Filtering Internet Telephony Service Provider [ITSP]
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers [IEEE] Internetwork Packet Exchange [IPX]
Integrated Services Digital Network [ISDN] Interpeter
Inter Exchange Carrier [IXC] Inverse Multiplexing
Interactive Voice Response [IVR] IP
Interior Gateway Protocol [IGP] Ip Telephony Gateway [ITG]
Interlanced Image IPX control Protocol [IPXCP]
Intermediate System to Intermediate System [IS-IS] IPXWAN; IPXWANZ
International Communication Union [ITU] ISDN Digital Subsciber Line
Internet ISO-9000
Internet Address ITG
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