המונחים - באות S | מציג 1-50 מתוך 58 מונחים |
security [security] |
seek time |
sink [sink] |
sensor |
shift register |
search |
signal [signal] |
search and replace |
storage [storage] |
sequential search |
sort algorithm [sort algorithm] |
symbol table |
sequential algorithm [sequential algorithm] |
serial |
sequence check [sequence check] |
scratch |
spelling checker [spelling checker] |
strong type |
select |
scalar data type |
spreadsheet program [spreadsheet program] |
single to noise ratio [S/N] |
sequential access [sequential access] |
submarine |
scrolling [scrolling] |
static binding |
sampling |
symbolic address |
semaphore |
symbolic logic |
soft sectored disk |
slash |
system disk |
sound buffer |
simulation |
stress test |
swapping |
surge protector |
shift |
semiconductor |
speech synthesis |
serial adder |
static allocation |
string |
storage device |
supercomputer |
shared memory |
SYStem OPrate [SYSOP] |
secondary storage [secondary storage] |
session |
[1-2][ 1 2 ] > |