המונחים - הכל | מציג 1-50 מתוך 89 מונחים |
page length ; page depth |
reverse search ; reverse find |
letter quality - LQ ; LQ - Letter Quality |
windowing |
draft quality |
column |
near letter quality - NLQ ; NLQ - Near Letter Quality |
draft copy |
document architecture |
header |
spelling checker ; speller |
overwrite v. |
undo |
ragged right |
page length control ; page depth control |
ragged left |
document body |
vertical tabulation ; vertical formatting |
font |
word counter |
cut and paste |
line counter |
skip |
delete |
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get ; what you see is what you get - WYSIWYG |
document merge ; document assembly |
indent v. |
center v. |
replace |
clipboard |
print preview |
form letter |
block move ; move |
prompt |
footnote |
document |
block copy ; copy |
automatic page numbering |
full-page display |
automatic paragraph numbering |
ideogram entry |
text processor ; word processor |
multistroke character entry |
soft hyphen |
hyphen drop |
hard hyphen |
search and replace ; find and replace |
flush right ; right-aligned ; right-adjusted |
global search and replace ; global find and replace |
flush left ; left-aligned ; left-justified |
[1-2][ 1 2 ] > |