[26] חִברוּר מערכות פתוחות |
המונחים - הכל | מציג 1-50 מתוך 62 מונחים |
CCR - Commitment, Concurrency and Recovery ; commitment, concurrency and recovery - CCR |
calling service user |
association control service element |
sending service user |
application service element - ASE ; ASE - Application Service Element |
OSI management |
reliable transfer service element - RTSE ; RTSE - Reliable Transfer Service Element |
service access point - SAP ; SAP - Service Access Point |
remote operations service element |
user data (in OSI) |
remote database access |
OSI environment ; OSIE |
file transfer, access, and management - FTAM ; FTAM - file Transfer, Access, and Management |
service provider (in OSI) |
open systems interconnect(ion) - OSI ; OSI - Open Systems Interconnection |
transaction processing |
connection (in OSI) |
demultiplexing (in OSI) |
protocol data unit - PDU ; PDU - Protocol Data Unit |
primitive (in OSI) |
service data unit - SDU ; SDU - Service Data Unit |
confirm primitive |
expedited data unit - EDU ; EDU - Expedited Data Unit |
request primitive |
correspondent entities |
indication primitive |
peer entities |
response primitive |
open systems interconnection reference model ; OSI reference model |
multiplexing (in OSI) |
protocol control information - PCI ; PCI - Protocol Control Information |
job transfer and manipulation - JTM ; JTM - Job Transfer and Manipulation |
relay |
service (in OSI) |
intermediate system |
directory facility |
real system |
common management information service - CMIS ; CMIS - Common Management Information Service |
real open system |
message handling service - MHS ; MHS - Message Handling Service |
open system |
manufacturing massage service - MMS ; MMS - Manufacturing Massage Service |
end open system |
layer |
service user (in OSI) |
physical layer |
receiving service user |
transport layer |
called service user |
presentation layer |
[1-2][ 1 2 ] > |